I had a bad mood on my birthday again.
-in high school, the boy I like walk home with another girl.
-yesterday, my boyfriend feel watching TV is important than companying me.

My mom forget my birthday again.
-she never forget my sis's birthday.

year by year
These things happen again and again.

I don't know why.
But there always have some bad things or bad mood
around me before my birthday eve.

After all
I am used to it.

At first
I am very disappointed and cry a lot.
But now, I learn to not to mind this.
This year, I even don't drop a tear,
and even don't feel too much sorrow.
I think I really become strong.

It perhapes I have cold personality originally,
and that's why I can recover from bad mood so quickly.
There only people who I really care can hurt me,
and let the other's gone with the wind.

maybe like Ojuce said, I should't put too much expectation on this.
More expectation, More dosappointment.

I love March 17, it's a special number.
I hate March 17, it's let me unhappy.


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